" The rural backdrop of my life and the natural world is my motivation to create every day. "
— Peter

Peter is originally from Matiere in the rugged King Country of New Zealand, Aotearoa. He grew up in a farming family and worked on the land, where adventure was a bigger part of his life than art. It wasn’t until he attended the third high school that he realized art could be a means of personal expression that was more acceptable than loud rock music and unruly behaviour.
Peter's early art experiments were likely abstract reflections of his lifestyle as a young man, passing time between mustering stock and sleeping. Later in life, he again picked up his passion for art and began to pursue it more intensively. As his style evolved, he began to consider his work as predominantly abstract landscapes.
Peter currently resides in the Waikato, with his wife and is fortunate to paint from his studio every day. The green pastures, rolling hills, and bright blue skies that stretch as far as the eye can see serve as his daily inspiration.
His artistic practice and subject matter vary based on what he observes, what comes to mind, and what he captures with his hands. He is particularly fascinated by metallic effects and often uses photographs of clouds as a foundation for his landscape paintings, combining the mixed media aspects of watercolour and ink and pastel.
Peter has exhibited his work and is excited to transition into the digital realm, aiming to gain momentum with his art and establish sustainability for his retirement years.